Sunday, October 11, 2015

Yoga for Relieving Low Back Pain

we are presenting two levels of yoga practice. The first level is for people who are experiencing acute symptoms — that is, you are in pain right now. The second level is added to the first sequence to help strengthen and build more flexibility in your lower back.

If you are in the acute phase, we recommend that you do the first sequence daily for 2–4 weeks or longer before adding the strengthening and flexibility phase.

You’ll know you are ready for the second phase because you are experiencing little or no discomfort in your lower back on a day to day basis.

The second level is also ideal if your lower back symptoms tend to come and go over time, or if you just want to proactively build strength and flexibility in your back.

In any case, you should always begin your practice with the first sequence and move to the second only when you are ready.

If you are in pain, we recommend that you practice the first section once or twice daily.

As you begin your practice — always remember to never do anything that causes you pain. It is ok to feel some mild stretching sensations, which is good, but never force your body to do something that doesn’t feel right.

For your practice, ideally you’ll want to be on a yoga mat or at least on a carpeted surface. If you are working on a hard wood floor and don’t have a mat, then a large thick towel or small blanket will work for now.

It is also helpful to have a few yoga props nearby: a yoga strap, or if you don’t have a strap, a bath towel or old tie can work equally well. Having a thick blanket and yoga block will also come in handy.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Yoga . The Back Pain Cure

Causes of Lower Back Problems

we’ll take a look at why so many people develop back problems. As you will discover, there are many reasons why back problems can occur, some of which are out of our control and some of which we actually have a lot of control over, such as lifestyle factors. In the next chapter, we will give you a brief overview of anatomy so you can get a clear picture of what is happening on the inside when you have back problems.


One of the major causes of back problems is accidents. Take a moment to think about the ways accidents might happen:

Slipping and falling down
Tripping over the dog
Missing a step on the stairs and falling down
Climbing down from a ladder and missing the last rung
Having a minor car accident…that little bump in a parking lot
Having a major car accident
Sports injury
Bumping into a door or a wall
Stepping off a curb the wrong way
Lifting a heavy package the wrong way

These are just a few of the more common accidents we hear about, but the way people have accidents is almost as diverse as people themselves.

The reason why accidents often lead to low back problems is that forces of the accident push the normal healthy functioning of your muscle-skeleton system out of balance. This imbalance may show up right away as excruciating pain, or it may not show up for weeks or months down the road.

Have you ever noticed a person walking with his or her leg in a cast? The added height of the cast will raise the hip on the side of the injury. Let’s say you injured the right leg. The raised right hip will cause the spine to list to the left side away from vertical. You won’t walk around bending to the left for very long because the muscle of the lower back will begin pulling your upper body back to the right, so that your eyes will be level. However your spine will now be twisted back to the right.

The muscle and ligaments of your spine will conform to the new position which will, in actuality, further cause strain and sprain. This will become your new “normal.” When you get the cast off after a few weeks, your leg length will be level, however your spine will now be curved to the right. The ligaments and muscle will now have to adapt to the new position. Many times this can cause new or additional ligament and muscle pain. Proper rehabilitation of this area is essential and can be accomplished by a regular practice of yoga which will help provide a balance to the musculature.

Many people have an underlying problem that goes unnoticed for a long time until an accident does occur, exacerbating the condition and thus making itself known usually through pain or discomfort of some sort.


Lifestyle choices also directly affect the health and functioning of the lower back. This is both bad news and good news. The bad news is that many of us are unwittingly doing things that contribute to or cause low back problems. The good news is that these lifestyle issues can all be addressed — with just a little effort.

Here are some common lifestyle issues that affect the health of the lower back:

Your choice of shoes
Existing/Chronic injuries
Lack of activity or exercise
Carrying too much weight
Wearing your wallet in your back pocket
Let’s look at how these lifestyle factors affect your lower back:

SLEEPING ON YOUR STOMACH: Sleeping on your stomach will cause you to rotate your hip in such a way that you can actually strain your lower back, and it can lead to hip and knee pain. If you are sleeping on your stomach, we strongly advise either sleeping on your back or on your side with a pillow between your knees. This may feel weird at first, but give it a few nights and you will find it becomes familiar, and your back pain might just go away!

SITTING: What is your posture like when you watch television or sit at a computer? Do you sit upright with your torso over your hips and your feet flat on the floor, or do you slide down into your chair or sofa and put your feet up on the table? These positions put a lot of strain on the lower back.

Another position that many people slip into when at the computer is rounding their upper body forward and craning their neck forward. Sitting in this position for many hours every day puts a lot of strain on the lower back. Even with proper position, sitting for long periods of time can cause a lot of compression in your lower back.

This is true for sitting in cars as well. You may be surprised to learn that most car seats are poorly designed to support your lower back.

If your job or lifestyle involves long periods of sitting, we highly recommend that you take a break every hour, go for a short walk, or do some gentle stretching.

NOTE: In the back of this book you will find a link for two FREE downloads: Exercises You Can Do at Your Desk and Tips For Reducing Back And Repetitive Motion Injuries At Work; especially good those who spend long hours on the computer!

SHOES: The kind and style of shoes you wear can greatly affect your back. Flats such as a ballet slipper style shoe for women (a minimal heel) or a boat/deck shoe for men often do not have a built-in arch to support your foot. Walking in this type of shoe will cause your foot to pronate while walking. This gait alteration will cause your hip to rotate excessively which causes your back to compensate and twist.

Shoes with heels higher than one inch will cause the pelvis/hips to rotate forward causing the lumbosacral joint to “jam together.” This jamming together of the facet joints causes tissue injury resulting in swelling, muscle spasm and tenderness in the low back. A person will usually have to sit down or perform low stretches to relieve the pain. As the body continues to experience this kind of recurring injury, early onset arthritis or more serious back issues can occur.

Wearing and walking in shoes with small pointed heels can also impede your normal gait because it produces a wobbly gait which interrupts the normal heel-toe movement that we all should have.

Wearing a shoe or shoes with excessively worn heels is another factor which produces low back pain. The wedging or wearing of the heel can alter your gait by causing an excessive roll in the normal heel toe portion of the gait. This will cause the affected hip to drop to the side, possibly jamming the sacroiliac joint and/or the lumbosacral joint.

EXISTING/CHRONIC INJURIES: Existing or prior hip, knee, foot, or ankle injuries can also contribute to low back pain. Injuries of these types can result in an abnormal gait which causes the hips to turn and the spine will compensate resulting in injury. A surgery that has become more and more common is hip replacement. Before the hip surgery the pelvis is usually out of alignment and the body has created a new normal position; the muscles and ligaments have adjusted to accommodate the altered structure.. After surgery, the pelvis is returned to a level position. Now, the lower back has to adjust to another new normal position. Related muscles and ligaments that were compensating for the chronic weak/injured hip now have to readjust and learn a new posture. A similar process takes place after any type of foot, ankle, or knee surgery.

Prior injuries to the lower back, resolved with or without surgery or proper rehabilitation, are another factor in recurring low back pain. Muscle and ligament tissue should be actively engaged for at least 120 days to allow proper rehabilitation. Many people think that once the pain is gone that everything is alright. In reality the healing process is only partially complete, and you are very vulnerable to re-injury during this phase of recovery. Sadly, we see all too many cases like this.

PREGNANCY: During pregnancy most women add an extra 10, 20, 30 or more pounds which adds a lot of stress to the musculoskeletal system. As the abdomen extends forward and down, the low back/lumbar spine curves forward. This extension causes the lumbar and lumbosacral facets to jam together. As the baby continues to grow and begins to turn, pressure can also be put into the pelvis area causing the sacroiliac joint to spread and the hips compensate. Many times the sacrum will also rotate and the hips twist causing the sciatic nerve to become involve.

Once a woman gives birth, a whole new series of factors can influence the low back. The baby is now carried around in the arms of mom or dad. New upper body weight distribution (carrying the baby) causes the lower back to compensate and work harder as mom or dad gets used to lifting the baby in or out of the car seat, crib, or carrying the baby in the back pack. Every day household activities such as resting the little one on the mother’s hip while cooking, vacuuming, doing the dishes, talking on the phone, all put tremendous strain on the lower back.

For the mother, sacroiliac joints on both side of the sacrum can be very “loose” at this time as well. As a woman’s body begins to recover from pregnancy, the ligaments and muscle of the lower back/pelvis and abdomen begin to tighten and return to their pre-pregnancy state. If the bones are not in proper alignment with the ligaments and muscles, they may heal in an abnormal position. Early attention to the area with yoga can help bring this balance to the lower back.

LACK OF EXERCISE/ACTIVITY: Perhaps one the most effective way to keep your spine healthy and pain free is with regular movement which introduces flexibility and strengthening. It also helps to remove stress which helps the body regain balance. We were born to move! Lack of exercise has the opposite effect: the body becomes weaker, less flexible, and imbalances stay in the body — all of which sets you up for injury.

We are not suggesting that you need to engage in two hours of aerobics and body building every day to get the benefits of movement. On the contrary, some gentle yoga and walking will do the trick. Shoot for 20 – 30 minutes four to five times per week.

And a word to weekend warriors: be sure to take time to warm up before your activities and cool down after. Doing a few of the yoga postures in this book before or after your activity is a great way to prevent injuries.

MAINTAINING A HEALTHY WEIGHT: Study after study shows that people who are overweight are at greater risk for back pain, joint pain, and muscle strain than those who are not. There are a number of reasons for this. First, extra weight can pull on the spine and surrounding structures causing them to tilt or become stressed unevenly. This adds strain to the joints, muscles, and ligaments of the spine and surrounding areas. Over time, the back can lose its support and functioning, and an unnatural curvature of the spine may develop.

Secondly, for every extra pound of weight on the body there is a corresponding increase in load on the joints of the body. Too much load results in wear and tear of these joints, leading to serious complications such as the wearing away of cartilage, bulging discs, arthritis, and increased pain. Simply put: extra weight puts extra stress on your body.

Thirdly, most people who are overweight or obese are not engaging in enough exercise or enough activity to keep their weight down. As far as back care goes, this is tragic because, as mentioned above, the right kind of physical activity is both the prevention and cure for most back issues.

Additionally, people who are overweight are more likely to feel pain in their body due to systemic inflammation associated with extra weight and a diet high in inflammatory foods. So not exercising and being overweight in and of itself can have a spiraling down effect on a person’s overall health and, as well, their spine.

Monday, April 20, 2015

A Man’s Perspective on Yoga Pants

I have become a regular at a coffee shop in Birmingham, Alabama. I do a lot of my writing there, usually at a small table right inside the front door. That door is like a turnstile for all walks of life: businesspeople, joggers, hipsters, college students, retirees, male and female. I like this particular spot because it gives me an opportunity to say hello to friends, and from time to time hold the door open for those scurrying out who are negotiating several cups at a time. Every morning, girls sporting yoga pants or leggings will saunter through the door, and because I am seated, I get an eye-level view of the proceedings.

(Sometimes, it makes me think of the great line in Dumb and Dumber, when a man and a woman walk by and Jeff Daniels says, regarding the woman in leggings, “Look at the butt on that!” Jim Carrey replies, “Yeah. He must work out.”)

As the svelte regiments in yoga pants and leggings promenade by, one by one in many colors and designs, I often catch myself peeking. Yep. Guilty. You caught me.

Honestly, I try not to look, but it is very difficult given the amazing forms that breeze by, hunting the checkout desk for their a cranberry-orange scone and skinny latte.

Do I like yoga pants? Of course I do. I think they may be the greatest thing ever invented. But that’s the barbarian in me. The Cro-Magnon. The man.

While I’m sitting there, I’m literally having this mental conversation with myself, trying to keep my thoughts from maneuvering into carnal precincts. Be…strong. I really don’t want to seem like some perv, but dang if those things aren’t form-fitting!

So I have to answer the question, don’t I? “Do I see anything wrong with wearing yoga pants?” Generally speaking, no I do not. Yoga pants are functional and serve a purpose. Besides, women have been wearing tight-fittin’ pants for years. I think back to the old Jordache jeans, the hip-suffocating Bell bottoms, the eighties polyester short shorts (and knee-high, three-stripe socks). What’s the difference?

But here’s the deal. I get where that lady is coming from. You know, the woman—Veronica Partridge—who wrote the article on yoga pants called “Why I Chose to No Longer Wear Leggings.” She said, “Was it possible my wearing leggings could cause a man, other than my husband, to think lustfully about my body?”

Her answer was yes. And I have total respect for this woman for policing her wardrobe. Here’s a woman who decided to stop doing something because of her beliefs, who took personal accountability for her actions because God convicted her. As to be expected, she was derided and mocked because of her post, because of her hokey “Christian” point-of-view, perceived as ever-archaic in today’s “do what you want to do, as long as it feels good” world. I never thought I’d see the day where making a decision to use discretion would be so ridiculed.

I will challenge her on one point, though. To say that the leggings “cause” men to stumble might be a stretch (pun intended). Men cause men to stumble, not leggings.

When the gorgeous behinds pass by, we (men) always have a choice. Either a) look away and think nothing else of it, b) appreciate the female form while you sip your half-caf, or c) visualize scenarios that run the prurient gamut.

I believe the first glance is not the problem. It’s the second and third that begin to get us in trouble. But remember, we are always presented with a choice.

If you’re wondering by now, we’ve shifted to third gear. This article is now not really about yoga pants. This is about men and for men, and for the people who are affected by the behavior of men. I do not write this to bash men; no, indeed I write this to help men, to liberate men, and to help wives, girlfriends, significant others, boos, fiancées, and baby mamas to understand what men go through daily, and to help them understand that the struggle is real.

Lean in close and I want to tell you a secret. You ready?

Yoga pants aren’t the only way we are tempted.

On any given day, men are bombarded with sex. Almost anywhere, our eyes are tantalized by steamy, Basic Instict-esque images. We could be going to CVS to get a Toblerone and a can of Brut and—WHAM!—some scantily-clad, heavily-airbrushed fireball is staring at us from the cover of a magazine. We could be flipping through the channels and—BOOM!—Hardee’s commercial with model lustfully chomping a Thickburger. Playing golf and—GREAT SCOTT!—Bo Derek is slithering out of the pool in her sling bikini.

Sex is oozing out of our technology, where we have an all-access pass to the Land of Filth. But accessibility does not cause us to stumble. It merely opens the door. We choose whether or not to walk through.

(Mom, you might want to earmuff it now.)

This has been the great struggle in my life. I’ve often said that if you put some gambling chips on the table or a Playboy, I know which one I’m going to choose.

The sin of lust is every man’s battle, and any man who tells you he doesn’t struggle in this area, to some degree, is not being truthful. Pornography is rampant, wedging its steel-toed boot into our houses, our families. The porn industry is a $97 billion industry (ten times more than the NFL) and Christianity Today once reported that 40% of pastors struggle with pornography. 40 percent! Pastors!

This clandestine sin has been glossed over and swept under the rug because it is a shameful thing to talk about. Men are not being liberated from this addiction because they are afraid to confess or seek help. It is the “unspoken sin.” Many women don’t understand it and many more are affected by it. Some marriages are crumbling because wives can’t go toe-to-toe with the fantasies of the digital world.

It’s time for us to have the conversation, both nationally and in our homes.

The vicious cycle often starts with boys discovering boxes of Penthouses heaped away in Dad’s basement. Those same boys become college students ogling at videos, who become married men who cannot seem to break strongholds no matter how hard they try. Perhaps single men have it the worst, and it would be dishonest to say that I do not struggle with lust.

So the Christian male is faced with a very difficult scenario: pursue purity or feed the beast. We justify the latter by saying it is “natural” or “just the way we were made.” Besides, sexual self-control is “out,” “dorky,” “cheesy,” “not cool.” But often the kinds of things we view online are far from natural.

There are men reading this right now who know they are in the middle of spiritual warfare. Their Google searches may include the Book of Romans and the kinds of images that would make Rome blush. We know what we are doing is wrong, yet we continue to be tortured by the perpetual thorn of lust. Our relationship with God suffers. We question our salvation. We live in fear of getting caught, that our private lives will be exposed. We have a few good days and then go back to square one. Believe me, I know, because I live it every day. Men, you are not alone.

Lust has plagued us since the beginning of time. David stumbled with Bathsheba (who, coincidentally, didn’t own a pair of yoga pants), not at initial sight, but when he pursued his thoughts and his thoughts turned to action.

Men may think that there is no way out, because we will never cut off access to all temptation. The availability will always be there. If it’s not yoga pants crossing our line of sight, it’s going to be something else. We cannot simply recluse ourselves from the world, but we can close a few doors, lock them, and throw away the key.

So in summary, the real problem is not yoga pants. The problem is our mind. The problem is our heart.

This is writed By Al Blanton

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Yoga for Pain

Is Yoga really a cure for pain? What kind of Yoga teacher should you visit for pain management? What style of Yoga would be best, if you are constantly feeling pain? In which cases would Yoga not be advisable for students in severe pain? Let's look at some pain management solutions that Yoga has to offer.

Is Yoga really a cure for pain? Many Yoga students swear by the results they have received from regularly attending Yoga classes, two or three times per week. In truth, Yoga has its limits - just like any diet. Can you imagine if you were going to diet wisely once a week? You can imagine the results.

Therefore, the real dilemma, with Yoga practice, is getting a student to practice on a regular basis. Also, Yoga, much like any prescription drug, cannot promise to be a "cure-all" for every ailment. Yoga can promise to be a diversion from pain and help students to manage it better, with no adverse side effects.

The lifestyle changes that occur after regularly practicing Yoga, will cause Yoga students to evaluate everything they do, and everything they eat. Yoga is not just another exercise program or some fad that just came along within the least decade. According to some archaeological findings, Yoga has been in existence for over 5000 years. Show me an exercise fad with those credentials!

What kind of Yoga teacher should you visit for pain management? The Yoga teacher you select, for pain management, should be knowledgeable in the use of props. The prospective Yoga teacher should understand that each posture can be modified for the needs of the specific student. In other words, if you detect a "it's my way or the highway" attitude, get as far away from that Yoga teacher as you can.

The most important component in a Yoga teacher's personality, who helps students with ailments, is compassion. If you don't see, feel, or hear any compassion, this is the wrong match for your needs. Yoga can be customized for the specific needs of students. The Yoga teacher, who has not yet felt any pain, is going to have less empathy for students who are in pain. So, an "elite" Yoga teacher, who can perform every asana imaginable, and has the body of a competing Olympic gymnast, may not exactly understand your pain.

What style of Yoga would be best, if you are constantly feeling pain? There are a number of styles to consider that can be easily customized for your specific needs. Here are a few to consider: Restorative Yoga, Therapeutic Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Yoga Therapy, and Tri-Yoga. Please keep in mind that these styles will vary according to the Yoga teacher's interpretation of the style's principles.

In which cases would Yoga not be advisable for students in severe pain? Sometimes, physicians do not recommend Yoga in cases of severe pain, such as in the case of extremely severe arthritis. The reasoning is that any movement will cause a great deal of pain in the joints. If your physician tells you not to practice a gentle form of Yoga, you should at least ask why. If you are not satisfied with the answer, you should seek a second opinion.

If you are feeling pain, and want to take positive action, you should consult your physician, and if agreed by your physician, explore your options with a local Yoga teacher, who teaches a gentle style and has a history of helping Yoga students with ailments.

Which Type of Yoga is Right For Me?

With the popularity of yoga rising throughout the western world, you have probably heard about it's healing powers by now. However, you still aren't sure exactly what kind of yoga may be right for your lifestyle. Chances are, you have probably asked everyone you know who practices yoga. While they may have a few suggestions, they may be bias in their decision making when it comes to which type of yoga you should choose.

Iit is fairly simple to find the right kind of yoga for you. Especially if you have all of the information there is to know about yoga. First and foremost you should try to consider why you are planning on entering the yoga lifestyle. Whether it was suggested to you from your doctor for medical treatment, or if it is a means for you to reconnect with a healthy lifestyle.

Just remember that you aren't alone. Many people struggle with trying to find the right yoga class for them. Some can spent years jumping from class to class, type to type, or different yoga teachers before finding the right match. You may find yourself drawn to the names of each yoga class, often times witty and inspiring. However, I would suggest making your decision on more than just the location or name of your yoga class. Instead taking the time to sit down with each of the teachers, and getting a feel for their technique of teaching.

It may be helpful if you can find a teacher that will allow you to sit in on each type of class. This will give you a first-hand view of what would be expected of you during your yoga class. While some may promote the use of props, and focus on slow and controlled movements. Others may focus on spirituality, or exercise. All of which are beneficial to many different people in their walks of life. However, power-yoga may not be the best choice if you suffer from chronic back pain. For this reason, you should take care in choosing the right type of yoga.

Before we look into the different types of classes and what you can expect you should first remember that as with any exercise program; you should first consult with your doctor. This is especially true if you have any diagnosed health problems that reduce your range of motion.

Once you have begun to visit the many different yoga classes available in your area, you will find that there is a common denominator among them all. That of which is that they are focused on bringing oneness to one's life. A unity between body, mind, and soul. Regardless of the fact that this oneness is all something we hold inside of ourselves on a daily basis. However, most people will find that it can be difficult to reach this place in our own selves without a little help.

Unfortunately there is no real way to answer the question of "what type of yoga is right for me?". It is more or less an moment of inspiration that you will find enter your mind once you have found the right class. As with so many things in life, yoga is specialized. However there are many different options to choose from. No one yoga class is going to be right for everyone who practices yoga. Just like no one yoga prop or work out wear will be right for one person. Think of it as a "fitting" for your lifestyle. Try your yoga class on for size, if it doesn't fit your lifestyle, your schedule, or your medical needs; then you should probably try to find something different.

While it is a common misconception among newcomers to yoga. You don't need to have a particular religion or belief to practice yoga. Just as you don't need to be of any one shape, or size to practice yoga. Everyone can and will benefit from the healing nature of yoga. It is even common for families to practice yoga together. If this is your plan, then finding a low-impact yoga will be imperative for younger children. Which will allow all of you to relax while getting healthy together. This of course is one of the many reasons that yoga has become so popular in the western world. As we all fight to keep our lifestyles healthy in a stressful and fast-pace lifestyle. We find that there just isn't enough time to run from one yoga class to another. Instead finding one class that will fit as a whole with your group of yoga friends, or family will help to keep your schedule relatively un-scathed.

The different types of yoga can be fairly difficult to differentiate. However, there are a few key differences that can help you choose which yoga is right for you. Whether you are looking for a high-impact yoga to help you drop pounds quickly; or simply trying to find relief from arthritis, or other chronic pain. There is a yoga that will be the perfect fit for you!

Hatha yoga (of which means union) is a term for yoga that employs both physical, and breathing exercise to calm the mind. This is only one of eight branches of traditional yoga, which has been passed down for generations in ancient Indian philosophy. It is thought that this style of yoga can help to attain enlightenment. Among these types of yoga that have stemmed from Hatha, you will find Raga, Mantra, and Tantra. All of which are considered to be philosophical styles of yoga, which are focused on elevating a person's mental state. It is common for Hatha yoga classes to ask their practitioners to follow a certain dietary conservation as well as ethical codes of living.

There are several different disciplines that you will find practiced in Hatha yoga. However due to it's popularity, some classes may even teach a fusion of several different styles of yoga. Including Hatha yoga. Most of these hybrid yoga classes (especially those that include Hatha yoga) are often times the best for beginner yoga practitioners. Simply because they will offer a wider range of poses, breathing, and physical elements. All of which are needed to practice yoga safely and get the most out of your workout.

While Hatha yoga has increased in popularity within the western world. There are many other kinds that can be found here in the United states alone. Ashtanga Viniyasa is one of the most increasingly popular forms of yoga in the last few years. It is a physical and mentally challenging form of yoga. Of which focuses on the unity between movement and breathing. However, this form of yoga can be fairly taxing and shouldn't be utilized for anyone with severe medical conditions. If you are a beginner, it is imperative to join a beginners Ashtanga class, so that you are able to learn at your own speed without posing an injury risk to yourself.

Along with Hatha and Ashtanga Viniyasa yoga's you will find a few other choices to choose from. One of which being Sivananda yoga. Which is based around as little as twelve postures. One such posture sequence includes the sun salutation. Of which focuses on breathing and meditation. This is one of the most well-rounded yoga classes that can be found today. It is especially suitable for all levels of expertise, ages, and physical abilities. Making it one of the most family friendly forms of yoga available.

Another popular form of yoga is Viniyoga. Of which is known for it's personalized touch. Each session of Viniyoga is tailored specially for the individual practitioner and their needs. These classes can vary from as short as fifteen minutes to two to three hours. However it is one of the best one-on-one yoga training that you can find. This is especially wonderful for anyone who might find it difficult to follow an instructor within a large class. This class is particularly well suited for children and those with medical conditions. Simply because it is so personal, and allows the trainer to keep your body, health, and physical limitations in mind when creating your routine.

The last form of yoga that is commonly practiced in the western world is Iyengar. Which is a slower and more precise means of practicing yoga. It is by far the most practiced yoga throughout the world (spanning not only in the western world). It plays in important role in one's bodily alignment and posture. This is particularly well suited for those with back-pain or any other severe or chronic pain. This form of yoga is also particularly suitable for seniors, as they practice with many different props to aid in their posture progression.

Remember, as with any new workout regiment that you should always know your own body's limitation. This will help you to choose the right style of yoga class for you. There is no right or wrong answer, simply knowing what you can and cannot handle is key. Regardless of the class, you should become prepared once you have chosen the right type of yoga for you. Your yoga instructor will be able to give you a list of the items you will need, whether it be yoga mats, blocks, blankets, or any other prop. It is best to come prepared!

The three popular types of yoga you may have heard of are hatha yoga, power yoga and bikram yoga. Hatha yoga is the style of yoga most practiced today. It is what you will think of when you think of yoga in general. Power yoga is a more aerobic-style yoga, with an emphasis on cardio. Bikram yoga is a style of yoga performed in a heated room to accelerate detoxification. Universal Yoga sells everything you need to practice these and other forms of yoga, pilates and meditation including cropped yoga pants [], yoga mats [], workout clothing, meditation cushions, yoga bags, uplifting apparel, spiritual jewelry, and yoga DVD

Article Source:

Friday, October 12, 2007

Online Yoga Complements Live Classes

Online learning has exploded over the last 5 years and is now a widely recognized and accredited way to learn just about anything from woodwork, to car repair, to massage and yoga is no exception. Recent video technology makes it simple for anyone with a computer and a camera to put their teachings on the worldwide web.

Online learning offers students an opportunity to learn at their own pace and at the times of day that are most convenient to them. For instance, a working mother of three children may only be able to do yoga after the kids go to bed, and there aren t many studios offering late-night classes, so using an online yoga studio is a great, convenient option.

Online yoga offers many benefits to people who want to maintain a consistent yoga practice but may lack money for a monthly studio membership and are bored with their yoga DVD collection, or may have moved beyond it. Let s face it in many communities, yoga studios are too expensive for the yogi on a budget so online yoga is perfect the cost of a membership is less than the cost of a single drop-in class at many studios, and there are no transportation costs.

Online learning has benefits that live learning simply cannot offer due to time and location constraints. Online yoga communities offer free forums where yogis can chat with their peers and instructors and gain learning from a wider variety of sources and disciplines. And because the Internet never closes, you can take as much time as you like asking or answering questions.

Online yoga websites are convenient and offer a wide variety of practices to chose from; there aren t many online yoga learning sites, but these online communities are an excellent place to learn yoga, communicate with other yogis, and instructors of all yogic disciplines.

Yoga classes online are also a great way to keep your practice with you when you are not near a computer most yoga community sites have downloadable audio and video practices suitable for any portable media device, such as Ipod, or any mp3 player (many of them are free too!). So take your practice to the park, to the seaside, to the mountaintop, or just to a friend s house.

There is no question that live yoga instruction is the best way to ensure proper posture and alignment, but online yoga classes offer a complementary way to continue your practice at home, on the road, or any time you cannot get to your regular yoga class.

Pregnancy Yoga For Third Trimester | Prenatal Yoga Positions

Pregnancy Yoga for Staying Healthier in the Third Trimester

Yoga is gaining more and more popularity because women are getting aware of the physical benefits of yoga as well as prenatal yoga. Pregnancy yoga helps women glide gracefully through the evolutionary process by providing an opportunity for inward reflection and healthy physical and emotional conditions.

Pregnancy yoga can be continued even in your third trimester with just a few pregnancy precautions. In this third trimester of your pregnancy, everything becomes more difficult to perform. Such as tie your shoes, climbing upstairs etc.,

Pregnancy Precautions To Be Taken In The Third Trimester

Pregnancy yoga practicing becomes a little more difficult. Thus, you need to take more precautions than before however there isn t any reason you can not continue to practice up to your due date.

Pregnancy yoga works well for those who are working and are now on maternity leave because it is the good time to practice yoga. If you were able to practice pregnancy yoga with some vigor in the second trimester, it becomes easy in this trimester and can benefit from practicing yoga stretches and gentle prenatal yoga positions.

When you are still attending a prenatal yoga class, then it is most important to inform your yoga instructor regarding your due date. Also remember that now it is the time to take it easy rather than an overachiever.

Always it is better to consult and check with your doctor before you begin any of the new exercise programs or if you have queries about the type of pregnancy yoga that is best for you.

Better continue to stay in tune with your body, allow your body to relax and take it easy. It s a good idea to continue breathing exercises, as it helps you during the birth process.

There are some prenatal yoga positions suggested for the third trimester of pregnancy. Hip openers such as Triangle, Knee to Ankle, Pigeon, and Warrior II. All four Cat-Cow positions will help create the flexibility that makes the baby get in proper position, head down and it s back turned toward your belly. Thus giving birth becomes easier.

Of course, these prenatal yoga positions were adapted by you during your second trimester but must be practiced with some extra caution. Avoid jumping, twists from the belly, deep back bends and any work that involves strengthening the abdomen.

The most important aspect to remember when practicing pregnancy yoga during this stage is to control your breathing and listen to your body. Practicing pregnancy yoga and listening to your body will definitely help you prepare mentally for the birth of your baby.

Also, focus on your breathing, with long inhales in through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth. By doing this, your body cells will get the nourishment they need and help with anxiety and stress that goes with giving birth.

The best part of practicing pregnancy yoga is it helps you to lose the excess weight and tone up your body after giving birth to your baby and your body will be in a good condition. So, start practicing your yoga poses gently as well as the meditation and breathing exercises.

No matter if you are just entering your pregnancy, or in the last trimester, with a regular pregnancy yoga practice you ll find that it has much more to offer you toward having an easier pregnancy, birth, and toning up your body after delivery.